Lean Healthcare: Leading a 6S Initiative

1 module

Leading Edge Group

$190.00 USD


6S deals with workplace organization. By establishing order in the workplace, 6S helps improve conditions for employees by making things tidier, cleaner, brighter, and safer. This, in turn, helps develop a more pleasant work environment for employees. This improves morale and, as a consequence, productivity and quality. This course will examine the 6S approach. Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain, and Safety. Planning a 6S initiative will be reviewed as well as examples of how 6S was implemented in an operating room as well as a radiology department. The topic of ergonomics as it relates to Lean methodology will be discussed. The last topic will be a case study of a 6S implementation, and the outcomes from the initiative.


  • Explain the benefits associated with 6S
  • Sort: Ask questions to determine if an item is needed, use red tags to engage others
  • Set in Order: Use storage methods to minimize inventory and promote visual management, layout items for easy access and good work flow
  • Shine: Transform the work area through regular cleaning, inspections, and maintenance
  • Standardize: Develop a set of procedures to ensure the changes implemented remain in place
  • Sustain: Set up a support system to ensure all employees continue to implement standards
  • Safety: Post safety instructions and procedures in prominent positions, carry out cleaning, inspections and maintenance on a regular basis to minimize safety hazards
  • Describe the steps involved in planning and implementing a 6S initiative
  • After viewing case studies and examples, explain examples of the outcomes of the initiatives
  • Develop and apply ergonomic processes to help prevent the number of CTD occurrences

Lean Healthcare: Leading a 6S Initiative
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